Thursday, October 31, 2013

Day 31 -- "Happy Halloween ... Sweet Acceptance"

It's Halloween!  Such a fun, creative, expressive time of the year.  Candy was always a big part of my thoughts -- even during my Weight Watcher Leader days.  I'd hold off and have a couple of hours, or an afternoon, or a certain amount where I would limit my indulging.  There were some years I could really do that!

Other years -- not so much.  And my greatest downfall was afterwards, into November with the candy that my kids brought home.  All four of them, but especially my 2 sons.  They had so much fun collecting it.  Starting with a small bag early in the evening, coming home for pillow cases, then coming home once again for the red wagon to drag it through the neighborhood .... Oh, the memories.  Then the cascades and waterfalls of it as the sorted, piled etc., etc.

Then they were done with it and forgot it in their bedrooms.

But not their Mom.  Wow. Though the kids at home (and that much candy) are not a part of life any more, I still remember it. 

These weeks of November were not my shining moments.  I was like a little rodent, squirreling through it while they were at school.  Every day, really, until it was gone.

There haven't been years like that for a long time, but I found my sources!

Bu this year -- oh what a joy it has been all month long.

This morning, before we got up, I said to Bob "And it'll be a super fun Halloween without one piece of candy!" And he said, "Awwww, who needs it, hon?"

And he's right!

I got to thinking yesterday, though.  Of the people in my life with physical handicaps that they have no choice but to live with and accept.

Each day at school, there's a little class of handicapped children.  Some of them have mental handicaps.  Others have physical handicaps.  One especially darling little boy, about 10, has one arm that is deformed, and quite a bit shorter than the other.  There's a great big scar on his head where there's been some type of surgery done.  He can walk, but it's with a limp/gait.

But oh, what a smile and cute personality!  Just so friendly and thrilled with every day.

Someone else I know who lives with great grace with the bag from a colostomy and deals with that ...

As I look around, I am surrounded by people who have had to come to terms with what their bodies will and will not do.

And you know what?  I've decided my body's inability to manage sugar as the same type on "non-option."

It's not an option for the little boy at school to just "quit" being like that with his deformed arm and inability to walk straight  Or my friend with the colostomy bag to function normally Or ... so many things.  They have no choice but to be creative in accepting it graciously, or being bitter and a burden to those around them.

My disability: I do not function well with sugar.

But I function EXTREMELY well when I accept that and turn to my Heavenly Father and real sources for genuine comfort and for help in addressing stress.

Happy Halloween, Indeed! It's a time for not just CANDY, but CREATIVITY, in not just CREATING COSTUMES but COMING UP WITH CONCLUSIONS to CONFLICT.


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