Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day 29-- "Building a Testimony"

What a month it has been.  I did not have an official "DAY/HOUR" when my sugar free life started nearly a month ago.  But it has been about a month.

As  I look back, and on the writings here, I know that it is all farrrr beyond anything I could do on my own. 

Of great, great value to me has been the "Win the Sugar War" book.  Kind of like leaning on someone else's testimony that gives you strength to find your own.

Janice Kapp Perry wrote a song called "My Own Little Lamp"  that my children loved to sing (both my own and when I was Primary chorister.
-- the melody was beautiful and it had an earnest quality to it that just felt good to sing.

It feels so appropriate to find the words and the spirit of it now!

I need to have my own testimony to be sure that the gospel is true.
It’s a blessing to have parents who have taught it is right
But I can’t live on borrowed light
I must ask the Lord, I must make a choice
To listen for the still small voice
And then I will know that these things are right
And my own little lamp will be filled with light.

I need to have my own testimony to be sure that the gospel is true.
I know there will come a time when I will have to walk alone,
But I need to know it too
I must ask the Lord, I must make a choice
To listen for the still small voice
And then I will know that these things are right
And my own little lamp will be filled with light.

As I've written these posts through the month, I'm realizing kind of like bearing your testimony.  It defines your beliefs about yourself, and the principles that are not only truths, but your life's foundation.

I emphasize that I have gotten a great deal of inspiration from the book "Win The Sugar War"  It tells the stories of 100 people who have kicked sugar -- for years.  For some it was for health reasons.  For others, emotional. For all, a blessing.

I affirm to myself and all my friends here that I have not always been a sugar glutton -- there have been a great many times when it was under control.  Some of those times were for a very long time, even.  But in my heart, I knew there were was not a sure foundation for long-term living.

At the end of the sugar cravings test month, I know and bear witness that October 2013 has changed my life and how I manage candy, cake, cookies, ice cream, donuts, desserts ....  and that with my Heavenly Father's help, it will be for a lifetime!

One day, one month, one season, one holiday, even one hour -- at a time.  Even when the sugar detox month is over, I think I will continue with this blog as a way of confirming to myself that THIS MATTERS FAR MORE THAN I ever thought possible. Not just for me, but for my family, and for my relationship with my Heavenly Father.

Bob and I are now teach a Missionary Preparation class on Institute night for our stake.  It's a very rewarding experience to both prepare, then to teach together.

Last week's lesson on the importance of teaching by bearing testimony was powerful for me, and I find myself turning to a statement by Boyd K. Packer:

"It is not unusual to have a missionary say, 'How can I bear testimony until I get one?'  Oh that I could teach you this one principle!  A testimony is to be found in the bearing of it!  Somewhere in your quest for spiritual knowledge, there is that leap of faith, as the philosophers call it.  It is the moment when you have gone to the edge of the light and step into the darkness to discover that the way is lighted ahead for just a footstep or two.  (Boyd K. Packer, "That All May Be Edified," p. 339-340.)

So!!!! I confess, I'm a junk magazine junkie.  But only at the checkout line!  Last week, to further bolster my testimony that I'm a "No Candy-Cookies-Ice-Cream-Doughnuts-Cake" person, I read the account of some Hollywood star (I never know who anyone is -- I just like reading at the checkout line) that had lost 70 pounds.

When asked what she eats on her cheat days, she said, "For me there are no cheat days.  Who am I cheating?  Myself?  Why would I do that?  Cheating for me is like telling an alcoholic, 'You've been sober for so long!  Why don't you go have a few beers and kick back?'  No.  For me this is my life."

Between the Sugar Wars book, my own growing testimony a la President Packer, and the Hollywood star ... by golly ... I know I'm going to have fruit for dessert.

And make it through Halloween with NO CANDY.

The thought of doing the same through Christmas, then forward is getting easier and easier to get comfortable with.

I know I've used this word WOW too much in these posts but ....

Wow.  Is this all really me?  Living without candy and frosting???? I have a testimony that IT IS, and it's just about most lovely, peaceful gift I could ever imagine for myself.

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