Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 22 -- "Finding Wholeness"

Each day is filled to the brim, it seems ... with such a wide variety of responsibilities between my day-job at the school,  taking care of my Mom, the tea business, being a Mom to my daughter Kelly who needs my phone support ... being a loving wife.   No wonder, as I'm paying attention, it has been a habit to grab at food as I go as a way of distracting me to how full my plate is -- I guess trying to match that overly full plate with an overly full tummy!  So silly ....

It is a miracle to me how the cravings have dissipated, or is it the habit of eating more regularly, and making sure there is some protein that is making such a difference.  Whatever it is ... I am currently reading through the New Testament Religion manual, and finding more understanding.  When I read today's quote that perhaps the Savior's greatest miracles were in occurring spiritual sicknesses, my heart just kind of melted.  Maybe that's what so much of this is all about ... and it is all put into place within the LDS Addiction Recovery Manual.

I am so incredibly grateful to be able to READ! I am so grateful for this life-saving information to be in PRINT!  I am so grateful to my Savior for addressing my spiritual sicknesses with so much love ... and even the fun, as based on the cute story I wrote yesterday. 

I have always said that my Heavenly Father is "such a goooood Dad" ... doing loving sweet things that only a Dad knows about to do for his little girl.  And that's what I am in this dependent state.  A very humble little girl.

How our family needed the good belly laugh from the story I printed yesterday.  Best white cake EVER!!!! 

LDS Addiction Recovery Article and Links to  Manual to Download:

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