Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Day 16 - "Time Out and The Word of Wisdom ... WOW."

Bob and I popped into CVS last night (our local multi-purpose drugstore).  The front was completely packed with multiple aisles upon aisles of Halloween candy.  I've never been much for the dum-dums, Mary Janes, etc.  But those "fun sizes" -- or the 10-packs of the candy bars.  Oh, yeah.  I'll talk about Halloween later.  Then of course, the checkout is one big fat aisle where you stare at the offerings while standing in line.

The important thing for me last night was that I realized these aisles were right next to all the wines and beer aisles.  I never go there.  Never think about it.  I was raised in the Church.  Have never had alcohol.  There are some family genetics that go back to alcoholism, but me? Never.  Just not a part of my life or deal.  (I think, if I'd gotten started, the compulsive gene that has ruled me with sugar may have very well taken off like a rocket and been a serious problem.)

And I think it's that way for most, if not all, of my LDS friends. The alcohol, tobacco, coffee part of the Word of Wisdom is just not on my radar in any way to tell you the truth.  No problem.

As I walked by  the candy, (singing Dionne Warwick's "Walk On By ...") --  I felt a very re-assuring "distancing" ... and realized that this month is a very healthy (in more ways than one) TIME OUT for me. 

I was walking by the candy in almost the same way I walk by the alcohol aisles. 

My daughters use time-outs for my grandkids to take a break and give them a chance to think.  I did too.

That's what the October Cravings Test is for me.  I am realizing that countless people in my life know I'm LDS and don't drink.  It's not part of the deal. "Carolyn doesn't drink."  No drama. 

Why cannot it not be so with sugar?  "Carolyn doesn't do sugar/desserts."  No drama.

I will NOT be the one to tell the world that sugar is not within the Word of Wisdom or healthy eating.  It will NOT bar any of us from receiving a temple recommend.  I will NOT be the one to ban treats and goodies from meetings and special events.

But I CAN be the one to quietly know that within the Word of Wisdom FOR ME, there is no mention of SUGAR or goodies.  Not ONE.

I can be the one to affirm within myself, "Carolyn doesn't do sugar/desserts." No drama.

Have you ever noticed that the Word of Wisdom can by shortened to WOW?

So all I can say about this delightful epiphany connecting SUGAR to TIME OUT to the


1 comment:

  1. I am loving your posts! I can relate to each and every one and it is so nice to know someone knows exactly how I am feeling. My sugar-free started on the 7th so I am a little behind you but I appreciate your strength and example.
    I went to a YW mtg tonight and came home with a candy bar attached to a handout. I thought of giving it to my husband or daughter in their lunch tomorrow so I wouldnt have to look at it. Instead, I opened it, smelled it and then put it deep in the trash. It felt so good! I am not one who likes to waste food but I looked at the nutritional values and thought "Why should I give this junk food to someone else?". Eating it would have given my addiction power. Throwing it away made me feel powerful! And that power can give me strength for the next temptation!
