Sunday, February 16, 2014

12-Week Challenge DAY 7

I am writing this, actually on Day 8 ... A Sunday.

Yesterday was a great day. I did the aerobics session, the full 20 minutes, and made it my best intensity possible.  That really feels good.

The anniversary celebration for our friends turned out to be an 80th birthday party actually.  Same difference.  I KNEW there would be a full array of easy fruits and vegetables.  And it was.  Subway sandwiches.  Easy to choose a section, and get rid of all that bread.  Ate the turkey, and a bit of the cheese, along with all they yummy red and yellow peppers on the veggies tray along.  They had the heavenly mango salsa from Costco, and I loaded up. 

I'm finding that MUSTARD is my friend ... stretches everything out, like salad dressing, with 0 calories and lots of flavor.

There were 2 enormous Costco cakes, that ordinarily would have had me all abuzz, all over the place.  But my inner being knows now that that is not part of my deal, as in the same way that we show up at parties where alcohol is being served.  No alarms, because it's just not part of my true identity. 

Wow.  If this is not the "change in heart" that the gospel and the scriptures speak of, I don't know what is.

Today's sacrament meeting was on "The Power of The Atonement -- Beyond Repentence" and for me, yesterday and the cake was a true manifestation of that change in my own life, peace and overall spiritual identity.

I am finding more and more how much I NEED and ENJOY these mini-meals every 2-3 hours.

Ended the day in great shape with burritos, my Mom's favorite, for dinner.  But I just put my beans on top of a big bowl of spinach leaves, put in all the other veggies, added a bit of cooked chicken, and lots of salsa, and was JUST FINE.  I know I could have added that whole wheat tortilla, but counted the beans as my carb instead.


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