Wednesday, February 12, 2014

12-Week Challenge DAY 3

As I was reading my scriptures this morning, I read the story of Mary and Martha when the Savior came for dinner.  (Luke 11:38-42)  I'm a Martha.  So BUSY and involved with SO many things, it's hard to know what to cut out so that I can be more like Mary, got her work done, then sat down to listen and receive.

One thing I know:  it is my pattern to get too busy to exercise.

It's interesting.  My mom, a spiritual giant and totally confined to bed now, said she's going to contact my brother, who is not at all interested in religion.  He's very diligent, however about taking care of his body.  She wants to share with him that he's got his investments reversed.  The care of the body will not take him very far into the next life. 

How am I putting this all together?  That I want and need to take care of BOTH.  I want my physical body to be in the best shape possible so that it will be a clean, strong vessel to allow me time and energy to study and serve my Heavenly Father and family WELL.  I want someday to hear those words "Well done, thou good and faithful servant."

My mom can only serve from bed now.  And she's coming to terms with that.  Right now for me her service is an example of good cheer and enduring faithfully.

I bought the plane tickets yesterday for us to take her to Susan's (my sister) in Texas.  This is a huge deal on every level for her and for all the families.  She had SO wanted to have returned to the other side before she became this dependent on family.

It will be quite the undertaking to get there.  She needs to strengthen her body and practice sitting in a wheelchair.  We will need two cars to get to the airport, as she cannot get into anything higher than a compact, low-car, and there won't be room in that car for all our luggage ... The same for the pick-up at the other end of the trip. 

God bless her heart -- none of us ever imagined that she would get to this point. 

DAY 2:  I found it amazing that mid-afternoon on ONLY DAY 2 that the thought came into my mind, "This isn't going to work.  Why are you going to this much effort?  Nothing's going to change."

I was glad for all the examples and lessons of endurance that came to mind .... YES.  It's all to easy to just say, "Why am I doing this?  I'm at a fairly healthy weight."

BUT ... I have made a commitment.  I WILL DO THIS for 84 days and see where I am at the end.  I WILL DO THIS as I have made a public commitment on Meridian, and a private one with myself and the Lord -- and equally important to my darling Kelly.

A-HA MOMENT Yesterday:  At work one of the gals had brought in (I don't know why) a gorgeous white and chocolate layer cake with lots of buttercream frosting.  If this had been pre-October, I would have eaten a piece then (at 10:30 in the morning when we take our break) and again as often as I could snitch ... and thought about it the whole time.

As it was, I looked at it and remembered my obsession with these things for most of my life and felt relieved that I didn't have to get involved with that stupid cake.

When they asked me and got out my plate, I just quietly said, "Oh, I'm not a cake eater."

AND IT'S TRUE.  I'm NOT A CAKE EATER anymore.  And the weird thing is ... it's not big deal.
It' just a piece of cake.

I wonder what Mary and Martha served the Lord for dessert when he came for dinner?  I've a feeling it wasn't a cake with buttercream frosting.  But I'll bet there was a little indulgence of some kind.  Maybe some special fruit or other natural delicacies.

.... HIS word and HIS company in your home .... can you imagine?  Now Who would EVER need dessert with the sweet experience of having the Savior in your home for dinner?

It's a lovely thought, and I'm going to pretend that he's eating with me today as I focus on DAY 3,  and my 6 lovely little meals!

I am focusing on CHANGES THAT I CANNOT SEE that I know are happening as I am wise ... to my bones and muscles.

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