Thursday, April 24, 2014

12-Week Challenge DAYS 63-64

I think the thing I'm most delighted about with the challenge is how the exercise element is becoming a habit.  A true, genuine habit.  I so missed my workout on Monday, and writing about it helped me realize that without it, the day isn't quite right.  So what to do about that?  Just make sure there's 30 minutes FIRST THING that doesn't get absorbed into checking e-mails and facebook.

Saying NO to sugar has become a habit too.  Yesterday, at my little day job, our manager came back from the front office with a half-tub of large chocolate chip cookies.    She came to each of us with it, but when she got me, she said in a very cute way, "I'm offering, just to be polite, but I know what you'll say."  And I thought to myself, "Darling, if you ONLY KNEW how many years a tub of cookies like that would have dictated the rest of the day.

What a RELIEF, yes a RELIEF it is to just have those things come and go, like at social events where alcohol is served, and I don't even think about politely saying, "No thanks."  Over. Done.

It's a beautiful spring day here. The marigold border is in on one side of the front door gardens by the front porch/door.  I'm going to go do the zinnia seeds right now, then by Saturday, it'll all be done.  Marigolds booming, azaleas on their way, black-eyed Susan's putting out new leaves like crazy, growing, and zinnia seeds to make it ALL sparkle later in the summer.  We're not fancy gardeners, we just like old-fashioned stand-byes that tolerate the afternoon sun with no shade.

It's so exciting to know that by the time there are zinnias blossoms, in their glory filling
the front window, I'll be 9 months into being sugar-free, and blossoming just beautifully in other (much sweeter) ways, and hopefully glorifying my Father in Heaven with a purpose-filled life to better celebrate the lives of those I'm blessed to call my family and friends, and readers.

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