Thursday, May 15, 2014

12-Week Challenge DAYS 83-84 .... The End? Or The Beginning?

Today is my 60th Birthday!  When I started the challenge in February, I knew it would end just around my bithday, and here -- like all things -- it is!  In February, my mom was still with us, Cooper not yet home.  My lilac bush was a bunch of tangled, bare branches.  Now Mom is happily settled in Texas, Cooper at BYU-I.  My lilac bush today is overflowing with fragrant blossoms that we have shared far and wide with anyone who will take a bunch. Three months is such a short time, really, but so much can change.

After a fun visit with Bob before getting up,  my first birthday present this morning is a youtube video of my nearly 3-year old granddaughter singing Happy Birthday, and she sings it not "to you" but "for you".

My next birthday gift:  the scale and the tape measure! Today the scale said that I have lost EXACTLY 8 pounds since Day 1!  I msured and totaled that there 10 inches G-O-N-E.  For good.  1.25 inches from each thigh, 3.5 inches from my waist, 2 from my hips and 2 from my bust.  At less than 5 feet, with a very medium bone frame, I will never be a wispy little Asian, but this is a JOY.  No wonder all my slacks are too big.

Eight pounds is exactly the same size as a healthy newborn, about what I weighed when I was born.  Kind of fun to think about that on your birthday. 

I cleaned out a drawer yesterday and made a crazy discovery -- a little folder of where I have tried numerous times to lose these pounds before, over a 10 to 12 year period.  Measurements.  Weights, Dates, progress carts.  scribbled down.  Oh, how MANY times I have tried, knowing that where I was was "OK", medically speaking but not great as far as trying to dress this solid, short body of mine.

After the past three months and careful recording throughout, I KNOW that the only thing that takes the inches off are the weight training.  I have found that I really ENJOY this, and look forward to increasing my weights, and increasing my strength.

I believe that the Youthin was VERY helpful in kicking those pounds, as they surely had not budged all the other times I had tried.

Equally, probably MORE important is that I have also made some progress that, though not tangibly measurable, feels equally as significant as anything on a scale or tape measure.  More fulfilling scripture study.  More ideas on how to quietly and better support my husband, children and grandchildren without hovering.  More forbearance, charity and kindness with things that are outside of my control.  Definitely more energy, focus and clarity. Do they all connect to the weight management/sugar thing?  I truly believe so.

Will I take after pictures in a swimsuit?  Yes. Over the next several days, as I did in the beginning, but I don't think I'll post them.  Kinda personal LOL.

Will I start another challenge?

ABSOLUTELY.  This time, however, I will be following a WFPB program, and continuing with the weight training.  My core and lower body is where I need to most build strength, and I am convinced this is my best way to address osteoporosis.

In my little granddaughters video she sings "Happy Birthday FOR you" instead of to you.

And indeed, this is an extremely happy birthday FOR me, for so many reasons.  I am humbled and blessed.

What I wanted to do was to attend the Temple.  So that's where we are headed now, and I can't wait.  And then to try a vegetarian restaurant that I've had my eye on for years.



  1. Hello Carolyn, hats off to your courage for starting such a difficult challenge. There are people who want to start a healthy habit but they lose hope after few days. I hope you will stick to your plan.

    Best Regards,
    Indian Sweet Shop

  2. Hey, it's amazing, Really useful information. Great work.

    Sugar Addiction
