Thursday, May 8, 2014

12-Week Challenge DAY 78

Nature's Skittles
It felt like summer today. Close to 90!!!!  For years and years, we've wanted a frozen yogurt place close to us.  Well now there are 3 within 5-10 minutes. I'm sure their business was booming this very pretty May evening.  But not from us.  What tasted good to us tonight are the Costco oranges that are sweeter than candy.  And I just LOVED this photo that showed up on my Facebook postings today from a dear friend.  What about you????

Isn't tha fun?  One of my friends tells her children that fruit is "Heavenly Father's candy".  And she's RIGHT!

Yesterday, when I did my aerobics workout on the stair climber, it was amazing how I did NOT get out of breath, and found a new level.  I didn't have to stop at ALL.  I've come so far since when I started on it in March, right when Cooper got home.

This morning, doing squats with the cable machine for my lower body workout, I was able to  lift 100 pounds!  And it really wasn't quite demanding enough ... next time I'll go for 110.

It feels amazing to have strengthened my body so much during these past three months, and I'm VERY excited to see where Challenge 2 will take me.

The new Ensign with the Conference report arrived a few days ago, and my heart is touched with the messages there, and the joy I find in the Savior.

Without a doubt, for me, the past 3 months have strengthened my physical body.  My spirit and testimony, and appreciation for mortality have been greatly strengthened!

Is it coincidental that strengthening your body strengthens your mind and spirit?

Not in my books!


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